Amount of funding awarded
Budget Report
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How the program has supported you
Thanks to the PAF committee, MINT was able to obtain enough funding to purchase parts to create their headset. Unfortunately, MINT was significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as majority of the project had relied on being able to prototype and build headsets. Thanks to the funding received, MINT was able to resume continuing to build their headsets using the parts purchased. As the only neurology/neurotechnology focused design team at UBC, it was crucial to keep the headset project going as there was avid interest from hackathons and research labs. In addition, the program pushed MINT to explore collaboration with existing neurology labs on campus as an alternative funding resource.
MINT is conducting research on the effect of brain wave degradation in correlation with neurological disorders. During the school year, the team created an experimental protocol using EEGs to analyze the effect of Theta Wave Degradation during REM sleep. They collected data from various studies and compared them through online datasets to ensure that the most accurate data would be used for the project. The team also designed custom dynamic electrodes using electrolyte solution to be used in their headset. During this time, the team was designing models of the potential headset. The prototype has been completed and the team has been working through the summer to create a manufacturing document that details all the accurate build steps, the materials for the headset and electrodes, manufacturing equipment as well as layout for the assembly design.