Carbon Fiber Monocoque

Short Description of Project

We will be designing and testing for manufacturing of a carbon fiber monocoque. This project is intended to teach our members every step that is involved in manufacturing a monocoque. This includes many material tests, practice molds and manufacturing techniques and non-destructive testing. In the end we will have a stronger and safer chassis, while learning a rarely taught skill in school.

Amount of funding awarded


Budget Report

View budget report.

How the program has supported you

This project is a large undertaking that will encompass multiple years. With that, the focus this year was to begin design and testing of the various components of the carbon fiber monocoque. With the help of PAF, we were able to complete 3-point bend, shear, double lap and t-joint material testing on our accumulator as well as a UL94-VO test ensuring our vehicle has the safest accumulator at competition. Without your support, our members have learned how to work a new complex material, which has allowed us to transition into making it a structural component of our chassis.


For this project we had 8-10 members learn for the first time how to work with this material. These students learned how to calculate the strength of our design, different manufacturing techniques and their benefits/drawbacks. How to then perform a standard material test and create a new testing procedure to satisfy our own requirements, something consistently done in industry. During this project they also learned about handling and work around carbon fiber conductivity issues around wiring, something that many teams and industries struggle with.