Amount of funding awarded


Budget Report

View budget report.

How the program has supported you

This retreat had a total expense of $6,547, and the vast majority of that cost was supported by the MANU club, UBCO, and the Manu faculty. It was important that we provide an experience to students that is not exclusionary because of the price tag, and the approval of the PAF application for food for UBCV students allowed us to further subsidize this experience. As the first time we ran this trip, many of the expenses were unknown. PAF gave us a buffer to allow us to take this risk, and our future events will have more informed budgets, and be able to have more attendees, as a result.


The goal of this event was to grow both UBCV Manu spirit, but to also develop a cross-campus spirit between UBCV and UBCO. The social setting encouraged students to share their university experience, and grew the appreciation for the unique elements that both campuses offer. In the short term, students left the retreat with an expanded network, and those connections have translated to long-term connections through the Manu/Manf joint lectures in our Production Management courses. This initiative has also lead to Manu being a UBCO affiliate club, allowing us to keep up-to-date on UBCO initiatives and advertise content to Manu students that they would not otherwise have access to.