Kyogre – Wild Fire Support Aircraft

Amount of funding awarded


Budget Report

View budget report.

How the program has supported you

The 2022-23 PAF funding allowed our Advanced Class team to not only design, build, and test our aircraft in-person, but also attend competition in-person for the first time in 3 years! The financial support from PAF allowed us to:
-Purchase construction materials
-Purchase electronics
-Cover shipping costs
-Cover accommodations at the competition
Covering these costs gave all members an opportunity to engage in building and testing the aircraft they designed with their own hands. This also enabled us an incredible opportunity to represent our university at an international competition and gain professional experience by talking to industry members.


The contribution from PAF this year allowed us to prototype 1 aircraft for testing and 2 more for competition. Through our iterations, the lessons learned provide numerous opportunities for members to contribute to the project. Valuable technical skills include:
Aerodynamic and structural analysis
3D modeling
Avionics system design
Wind tunnel testing

The funding allowed UBC AeroDesign to take 16 members to our competition in Fort Worth, Texas in May. Our team achieved 6th place in Design Report, 9th Place in Design Presentation. Due to logistical issues with our courier service provider, most of our aircraft did not arrive at the competition and was lost in transit. Nonetheless, our team placed 5th overall.

In addition to technical skills, our members were provided with the opportunity to develop valuable communication, teamwork, and leadership skills from working in a team of 50+ members that work closely together.