Amount of funding awarded


Budget Report

View budget report.

How the program has supported you

GRASP is focused on the build of a smart bionic arm, with the main objective of competing at CYBATHLON 2024 and allowing students to apply skills learned in coursework.
PAF’s generous contributions this year have allowed us to make much progress on our 2nd iteration of the arm, with much of our focus since the restrictions of COVID being the application of the re-design we did last year remotely. As such, many electrical and mechanical components for design testing and prototyping were purchased this year and we’ll be continuing to tweak these parts for our 2nd design as we move closer to our next prototype.
PAF remains as one of our major sources of funding, and the most reliable and consistent procedure for purchasing.


Our team is currently made up of around 40 students from a variety of backgrounds, including Science, Applied Sciences, and even Commerce. For many of our engineering students, the bionics team is a first hand experience where hands-on, guided learning can occur, as we have a large executive team of leads and mentors that can take general members through the process with a one-on-one approach. Although our professional goal is to compete at the leading bionics competition (CYBATHLON), ultimately, our team’s main vision is to provide students with a space to learn more independently, without the limitations of a syllabus. Besides GRASP, our team itself is a tight-knit community that has expanded beyond just the one project, with additional opportunities to engage in the surrounding UBC and Vancouver STEM field, both in terms of professional networking and community outreach.