Engine Dyno


Amount of funding awarded


Budget Report

View budget report.

How the program has supported you

The PAF program supported over 15 members of Formula UBC Racing by providing funding for a project that would have been otherwise challenging or impossible for the team to fund. Working on PAF supported projects gives FUBC members a unique opportunity to apply concepts learned in class to a real world project. These projects contribute to our members’ technical education by allowing them to explore their interests, learn technical skills, and improve their communication. The engine dyno is a valuable engineering tool which can be used by our powertrain subteam to validate their engineering decisions. From the administrative perspective, PAF also allows students to get acquainted with applying for funding, keeping budgets and writing reports.


Members from Formula UBC Racing were successful in designing and building a fully custom water brake dynamometer assembly.

First and second year members collaborated on CAD design and designed an aluminum frame used to house the engine and hold all dyno components. After finishing their design the students got a chance to physically build their design using donated aluminum tubing. By working on this project junior members acquired new skills including weldment CAD design, using hand tools and TIG welding.

The water brake component was designed by upper years on the team based on existing literature and existing designs. Participating in this project gave senior students an opportunity to work on their research skills as well as improve their CAM programming.

With all the parts manufactured and assembled FUBC will be using the dyno as a tool to make informed design decisions for our 2023 car.